Bryan & Yvonne Hutson __________________________________ Rescue Me Ministries
We are honored that you have scheduled us to minister at your church! We have already began praying for the service and that “God will show Himself well.”
We believe that promotion is very important in letting your congregation and the community know about the service/event.
Here are a few helpful tips to make our time together a success.
1) PRAY for God to move in the service and that lives would be touched and changed.
2) Encourage your Church leadership team to PRAY for the service.
3) PRAY that we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
2 weeks out:
- Distribute flyers in Sunday school classes or small groups.
- Put up posters in well-traveled areas, such as hallways, classrooms, and restrooms.
- Request an announcement on the church's website, in newsletters, and in the worship service; send an email to members.
- Place a banner ad on your church website.
- Ask your pastor to endorse the event and encourage couples to attend. A personal word from your pastor will be a powerful incentive.
- Show a promotional video in a worship service and in couple's Sunday school classes or small groups.
- Set up an information table before and after services in the church lobby. Show a promotional video, distribute information, and get excitement growing around the event.
- Use your church's social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
- Utilize the Church sign. Advertise the service/event AT least 2 weeks prior to date.
- Send out an email blast to your church members at least 2 weeks from the scheduled service.
1 Week Prior to Event:
- The best promotion is a personal invitation. Nothing beats a one-on-one conversation.
- Send out an email blast to your church members.
- Ensure you have identified and appoint a person to be at the event 2 hours prior to allow us to enter and soundcheck.
If you are opening up your event to other churches or the larger community:
- Place posters in other churches and in community businesses (ask permission first).
- Send an invitation through Facebook to your Facebook friends and ask them to forward it to their friends as well.
- Send a Twitter message to your followers.
- Request a public service announcement on your community's radio station and/or cable provider's community channel.
- If feasible, place an ad on local websites and in local newspapers.
- Send a press release to local media.
We looking forward to Serving Him Together Soon!
Bryan and Yvonne Hutson